🌞 Who Are We?

On this page, we will explain a little bit about us. In the text below, we have written a little blurb about each family member that helps with this website.


My name is Tamara Ray, but most of my friends and family call me Tammy. I am a wife to my husband Ken and mother to two daughters, Kylie and Kaycie. We also have a Goldendoodle dog named, Koko. When I’m not preparing recipes, my other favorite activities are hiking, playing sports (especially basketball and tennis), photography, DIY projects, and hanging out with my family.

I have two photography websites. One where I sell photography art prints and the other in which I provide photography services in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Growing up, I remember always having a camera in my hands. I loved taking pictures of anything and everything! I started with point and shoot cameras, then I moved up to film SLR cameras, and finally I’ve been using digital SLR cameras for about 20 years. Food photography is the latest type of photography I have added to my list. I’ve photographed everything from family portraits, weddings, engagements, real estate, animals, nature, and landscapes.

family picture at mt rainier
My Family

Growing Up

I remember growing up my mom, Flo, would be cooking dinner and ask me if I wanted to learn how and help. My answer always seemed to be no. Fast forward many years later to when I had two daughters of my own… I immediately started cooking home-cooked meals and wanted to cook family dinners as much as possible. 

Once I started cooking for my family, I realized I enjoyed all the yum’s and mmm’s I received and wanted to continue learning to cook more family favorites.


My mom, who goes by Flo, is the main contributor/author to our website. She has learned many recipes that have been passed down through the family from her grandmother, her own mother, and from her mother-in-law. We both have cooked up different recipes that we have posted, but I am mostly the food photographer and website maintainer while she is the one documenting the process. I create the images, while she puts it all together for easy step-by-step understanding.

She was born and raised in Washington State. Most of her childhood was spent in Eastern Washington, but she resides in Western Washington now. In her free time, she loves spending time with her three granddaughters Kylie, Kaycie, and Jade. They love going to all the parks in the area and making all kinds of arts and crafts. Every holiday, her house is filled with decorations that she and the grandchildren make together. ❤️

Flo and her grandkids.
Flo and two of her granddaughers, Kylie and Kaycie.


My husband, Ken, is originally from Houston, Texas. He has lived there all of his life until he randomly moved up to Washington State where he met me! We love to be active together, whether is it playing sports or going on long hikes in the mountains!

With him being from Texas, he is able to give us some Southern guidance into some of the recipes we make on this blog such as our Southern Cornbread Dressing, and our Fried Pork Chops recipes. His mother, and my mother-in-law, still lives in Texas, and she has contributed her Southern style Chicken Soup Dumplings.

Ken is also an elementary school teacher with two master’s degrees. With his knowledge and experience in this field, he has written some informational posts such as Strategies for Addition, What are Math Fact Families, and How to Teach a 3 Year Old to Read.

Ken and Tammy at Glacier National Park.
Ken and Tammy at Glacier National Park


My oldest daughter, Kylie, started helping us in the summer of 2022. She is currently 10 years old and is very smart and athletic. She loves cooking, reading, writing, hiking, and playing sports such as basketball, soccer, and tennis. I love watching her grow into the young lady she is becoming. Look at the recipes Kylie has helped us make and written about. So far, her favorite recipes to write about are desserts! 🍨

Kylie at Mt. Rainier
Kylie at Mt. Rainier

🏔️ Location

My husband and I are located in the Pacific Northwest in Washington State, USA. We love spending our free time being active with our two daughters. We both grew up playing sports and we want our daughters to do the same. They are both currently getting into basketball and soccer. After being active during the day, it’s a reward to come home and eat a hot home-cooked meal together as a family.

See this photo of Mt. Rainier? We are located in the foothills of it. Right about where I put the arrow in the picture. Mt. Rainier is a spectacular site to see in Washington State. We are blessed with this beautiful scenery, especially as us locals say, when the mountain is out!

Mt. Rainier, Washington
Mt Rainier in Washington State

🌐 About This Website!

This website was created in 2017, but it didn’t really get going until August of 2021. This is when I recruited my mom to help out with the recipes and she’s doing a great job! Then, in the summer of 2022 I also recruited my husband and my 10 year old daughter to join the team as well!

This Blog

Why a food blog? It consists of three of my favorite things: food, websites, and photography! I literally enjoy every aspect about it! 😁

This recipe blog is a combination of our family favorites and new recipes that are simple, tasty, and easy to make. Not only is this recipe blog an easy place for me to come back and remember how we made a certain recipe, but also a way to share those recipes with others who are looking to make quick and tasty meals. And in the future, my two daughters will have an easy place to go to get all of Mom’s, Grandma’s, Nana’s, and Great Grandma’s recipes to make for themselves and their future family.

Oreo chocolate milkshake with whipped cream on top.
Oreo Chocolate Milkshake

What You’ll Find Here

  • Detailed step-by-step instructions for every recipe.
  • Detailed professional pictures to go along with each step for every recipe posted on this website.
  • Recipes that are easy to make and taste delicious.
  • Our favorite recipes that we have made, perfected, and approve of!
  • Lifestyle topics about children, DIY projects, fitness, and more.


Can I Use One of Your Photos?

Sure! You are welcome to republish one photo on your website, blog, or publication with a “do-follow” link to the recipe or post you pulled it from. If you are not willing to provide a “do-follow” link, you may not use the photo. Please do not reprint the recipe or ingredients list on your site.

Can I Reprint Your Recipe?

No, please do not republish any recipes from this website.

❓ Questions?

Any comments or questions, please contact us!

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